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Dog Sports: Beginner's Guide to Activities and Competitions

Haley Young photo

Haley Young

December 31, 2023

Dog Enrichment

Dog Sports: Beginner's Guide to Activities and Competitions thumbnail

Dog sports — organized athletic activities where dog-owner teams compete alongside and against each other — are growing in popularity. Many of these venues are open to beginners, meaning you don’t have to be a seasoned competitor to try them out with your furry friend!

We’ve put together this introduction to dog sports for anyone whose interest has been piqued by conversations about agility, flyball, rally, and more in recent years. Here’s the low down on what exactly dog sports even are, some of the most popular ones, and how you can find one to pursue with your own canine companion.

What are dog sports, exactly?

“Dog sport” is a pretty broad label. Some canine sports are rather similar to what we imagine human sports to be — consider flyball, for example, where teams of dogs run a sort-of relay course with a ball in hopes of achieving the best time. Others are quite different — like rally obedience, where dogs respond to their owner’s cues on the spot in what can be described as a looser version of some formal obedience competitions.

At their core, modern dog sports are activities meant for dogs and their people to enjoy together. They usually encompass elements of athleticism, intelligence, and teamwork.

While many canine sports started with the goal of "proving" (demonstrating quality) breeding stock in mind — think herding competitions for working herding dogs on farms — others came about more “for fun." Today, it’s possible to compete in most dog sports at an amateur level.

Who can compete in dog sports? Does your dog need to be a purebred?

Dog sport rules vary by sport, organization, and sometimes even specific trial (many facilities host “fun runs” with looser rules than structured competitions). In general, though, you do not need to have a purebred dog or be a canine professional to find a dog sport you enjoy! Mixed breed dogs are welcome in many events.

Your dog does need to be in good physical health to be an ideal candidate for canine sports, regardless of breed, since most dog sports require some level of intense physical activity.

A dog jumps through an agility hoop in a dog sport competition

Sniffspot Dog running on field

Get safe exercise for your dog by renting a private dog park near you

Popular dog sports

Let’s take a look at some of the most popular dog sports pet parents have been exploring, especially in the United States.

Canine agility

  • Team or single-dog? A single dog and handler run the course at a time
  • Are dogs loose at the same time? (Is the sport reactive dog friendly?) Dogs can often see each other, but the course is usually sectioned off

Known for its fast-paced televised competitions, agility is one of the most recognized canine sporting events. Most laypeople have at least a general idea of what it’s about: Dogs complete timed courses of varying obstacles, including challenges like jumps, tunnels, and weave poles, during sanctioned agility events or more casual fun runs. Herding breeds like Border Collies are popular contenders.

You can learn more about agility in our guide at this link!


  • Team or single-dog? Multiple dogs run on the same team, though only one actually moves at a time
  • Are dogs loose at the same time? (Is the sport reactive dog friendly?) Flyball is typically not recommended for dogs still going through reactivity training

At its simplest, flyball is a relay race. Two teams of dogs (eight total, four on each team) complete a straightforward yet challenging set of obstacles (hurdles, quickly turning and pressing a pad to launch a ball from a box, carrying the ball back over the hurdles) in order to reach the finish line.

You can read more about flyball in our guide here.

Dock diving or dock jumping

  • Team or single-dog? A single dog jumps at a time
  • Are dogs loose at the same time? (Is the sport reactive dog friendly?) Dogs can often see each other, but the pool and dock are separate from the waiting and viewing areas

Dock diving is quickly becoming a favorite canine sport among “casual” pet owners because it’s a relatively straightforward activity: Exactly like the name implies, dogs run and jump off of a dock into a pool or other body of water. You can compete for the farthest jump in distance diving or see if your dog can grab a raised bumper in the air retrieve event.

You can learn more about dock diving at this link!

Disc dog competitions

  • Team or single-dog? A single dog and handler play the game at one time
  • Are dogs loose at the same time? (Is the sport reactive dog friendly?) Dogs can often see each other, and it depends on the venue whether or not the field is separated from those on the sidelines

Dog disc sports, also known as canine disc sports or frisbee dog sports, are activities that involve dogs and their handlers performing various throwing and catching routines with frisbees. These sports provide a fun and interactive way for dogs and their owners to bond while showcasing their athleticism, agility, and coordination.

You can see some of our favorite dog frisbee recommendations here.

Skijoring, bikejoring, and canicross

  • Team or single-dog? Both are possible!
  • Are dogs loose at the same time? (Is the sport reactive dog friendly?) Dogs need to run by one another and pass from behind (or be passed) in competitions

These three canine sports are all different variations of having your dog pull you while wearing a specific harness (the right equipment is important to safely distribute weight to avoid injury).

  • At its simplest, skijoring is a winter sport where a skier is pulled by a horse, dog, or even a motor vehicle. It combines the velocity of downhill skiing with the more approachable terrain of its cross-country counterpart.
  • Bikejoring is similar to traditional mushing on a sled except it’s with a bike. Essentially, one dog or a team of dogs are leashed to a bike (with a person riding it), and they pull the bike along.
  • Short for “canine cross country,” canicross is trail racing with your four-legged best friend. However, there is much more to it than simply hitting a random path. Canicross events test your bond and communication.

You can read more about skijoring in this article, bikejoring in this piece, and canicross in this one.

Lure coursing

  • Team or single-dog? A single dog chase the lure at one time
  • Are dogs loose at the same time? (Is the sport reactive dog friendly?) Dogs can often see each other, but the course is sectioned off

Lure coursing, sometimes known as lure chasing or lure racing, is an activity for dogs to engage their natural prey drive instinct to hunt. Not the same as simply chasing a tennis ball across an open field, lure courses are established paths made of pulleys with a lure, usually a piece of plastic with a bag attached to it. The lure is then released, moving through the course, which the dogs chase to their heart’s delight. In many lure coursing trials, dogs are released into the field in teams of around three, with each dog outfitted with a different colored fitted blanket to tell them apart. 

Learn more about lure coursing in this guide!

Nosework and tracking

  • Team or single-dog? A single dog and handler run the course at a time
  • Are dogs loose at the same time? (Is the sport reactive dog friendly?) Dogs can often see each other, but the course is usually sectioned off

Nosework, also known as scent training for dogs, is an activity designed for canines to tap into their strong senses of smell to explore the fun and focus of scent detection. Scent detection is done by many working dogs to aid their human handlers with tasks ranging from K9 nosework to search for missing persons or illegal contraband, sniffing out diseases like cancer, detecting pests like bed bugs, and even finding culinary delicacies like truffles. 

While nosework pulls from the same structures and objectives as scent detection, it's generally used as a fun activity for non-working dogs, and affords countless benefits to both the pets and their parents. It's especially great for mental stimulation with demanding tough physical abilities.

Find out more about nosework in this article.

Barn hunt

  • Team or single-dog? A single dog sniffs for the rats at a time
  • Are dogs loose at the same time? (Is the sport reactive dog friendly?) Dogs can often see each other, but the course is usually sectioned off

Barn Hunt is a dog sport that replicates the traditional role of vermin hunting on farms. It provides a safe and structured environment for dogs to demonstrate their hunting instincts and scenting abilities. The sport involves dogs searching for hidden rats in a barn-like setting, which is constructed with straw bales, tunnels, and various obstacles.

Rally obedience and canine freestyle events

  • Team or single-dog? A single dog and handler run the course at a time
  • Are dogs loose at the same time? (Is the sport reactive dog friendly?) Dogs can often see each other, but the course is usually sectioned off

Rally obedience, also known as rally-O, is a dog sport that combines elements of traditional obedience training and agility. It is designed to test a dog and handler's teamwork, grasp of obedience skills, and ability to navigate a course while reading each other's body signals.

Canine freestyle, also known as musical canine freestyle or dog dancing, is a creative and expressive dog sport that combines elements of obedience, tricks, and choreography set to music. It involves a dog and handler performing a routine of synchronized movements, tricks, and dance steps, showcasing their teamwork, coordination, and artistic interpretation.

A dog runs canicross, a dog sport, with their owner

How to find the right dog sport for you

With so many dog sport possibilities, it can be hard to know where to start. Here’s what we recommend to figure out which activity is the best fit for you and your pup.

Attend a few competitions to see what different sports are like

One of the best ways to get a feel for a dog sport is to visit an event in person. We recommend attending without your dog the first time, so that you can focus fully on the environment around you — and then decide if you think it looks like something your pup would enjoy.

You can find local events in a few ways:

  • Follow large dog sport organizations, like the American Kennel Club, and refer to the events sections of their websites
  • Join local Facebook groups or other social media forums for dog sports in your area
  • Ask local trainers if they know of any participating facilities nearby

Consider your dog’s instincts and preferences

Think about the things your dog enjoys most. Maybe you have a herding breed who loves to control objects? Something like treibball, where dogs maneuver inflatable balls, could be a great way to fulfill their instincts! Or maybe you have a terrier who always wants to track down small critters? An activity like barn hunt might be just the fit. The examples are endless.

Play around with foundational skills at home

If you have an idea of a dog sport you’d like to pursue but aren’t sure how serious you want to get, starting with some foundational skills in your own space can be an ideal way to test the waters. There are countless DIY opportunities for everything from urban or backyard agility (using built-in obstacles in your neighborhood) to nosework (simple food searches with your pup’s meals are a low-effort way to start) and more.

Get in touch with a trainer you trust

Certified force free dog trainers are invaluable. Many of them compete in various dog sports with their personal dogs — and even if they don’t, they’ll be able to refer you to trusted facilities in your area where you can get started. It’s a great idea to have a professional in your corner if you think you might be interested in competing someday!

Get your dog the safe enrichment they need by renting a Sniffspot

Sniffspot Dog swimming in pool

Does my dog need to compete in dog sports?

As dog sports grow in popularity, so too does the pressure for owners to enroll their pets in more and more activities. While we’re huge dog sport fans here at Sniffspot — many private dog park listings even provide fun extras like agility equipment to play on — it’s important to remember that there’s no reason you have to compete with your dog if you aren’t interested.

Dog sports are meant to be fun ways to enjoy the bond you share with your canine companion, not sources of excess stress!

Other ways to exercise and provide enrichment for your dog

We’ve put together several general guides on keeping our dogs in top physical and mental shape. Take a look below!

Trainer Review of this Article

There is so much misinformation out there, we want to make sure we only provide the highest quality information to our community. We have all of our articles reviewed by qualified, positive-only trainers.  

This is the trainer that reviewed this article:

Owner and Lead Trainer Unleashed Joy Dog Training - Mt. Airy, MD.
Certified Professional Dog Trainer (CPDT-KA)

Sniffspot Dog running on field

Get safe exercise for your dog by renting a private dog park near you

Haley Young photo

Haley Young

December 31, 2023

Dog Enrichment

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Sniffspot is a community marketplace that enables anyone to rent land by-the-hour as a safe and private dog park.

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