Palmhill's Private Dog Park In Valley Center
The Sniffspot venue is a 3 acre fully fenced area that you and your dog will have unsupervised, exclusive use of for the time that you have booked. There, you will find fresh filtered (RO) water for your canine companions, an abundance of toys, Chuckit balls and launchers, including guest supplies and other listed amenities.
The entire farm is 36 fenced acres. For anyone interested, I will gladly provide supervised walks around the entire property for additional psychological enrichment at no additional cost.
Note: Palmhill is a working organic farm. There may be an occasional worker sighting, but absolutely no reason for any employee to ever interact with a guest or their dogs. My interests lie in offering an affordable, stress-free, large, safe, clean, offleash venue for guests and their canine companions.
Thanks to an awesome group of guests who have been with us since first opening the venue, this has been a very rewarding experience.
However, there have been, a few guests who have not been doing a very good job of cleaning up after their own dogs which makes it very unpleasant for the guests who come in to the venue next. I have many visitors who pick up dog droppings of other people's dogs and don't say a word, and also return toys and balls to the recepticles, but they shouldn't have to! I actually had a guest say to me once, "Oh, I thought you had people to do that!" No, everyone is responsible for cleaning up after themselves before they leave the field. That's how we keep the venue tidy and affordable! I don't think that's an unreasonable expectation. I've had to post a list of reminders at the venue, (thank you, Michele) which I feel terrible about because they're not relevant for the MAJOROTY of Palmhill's guests. It's just a handful of mostly newer guests who aren't being very team friendly. I've met some awesome people and even more so awesome dogs, but sorry to say, if you don't play fair, you will be asked not to come back to this venue.
Everyone is welcome including, large groups, highly reactive dogs, special needs dogs- dogs with anxiety, physical handicaps, previous dog park trauma dogs, etc. We love them all and will do our best to make everyone feel welcome! Thanks so much for your support!